Greenbank Lawyers
Although the use of asbestos is fortunately a thing of the past, many individuals continue to suffer from exposure. Hence, Greenbank Lawyers strongly supports Mesothelioma UK’s campaign called “Don’t Let the Dust Settle.”

Asbestos was utilized between the 1950s and the mid-1980s. Despite its ban in 1999, it remains present in numerous buildings constructed prior to 2000.

Approximately 1.5 million buildings in the UK may contain this life-threatening substance, including public institutions such as schools and hospitals. As these structures age, the risk of releasing harmful asbestos dust and fibers increases.

Each year, around 2,700 people in the UK receive a diagnosis of mesothelioma, a type of cancer primarily caused by asbestos exposure. Consequently, most cases of mesothelioma could have been prevented by avoiding contact with asbestos. According to Mesothelioma UK, 94% of cases are avoidable.

Mesothelioma UK highlights that “up to 60% of people die within the first year following a mesothelioma diagnosis.”

Asbestos Graph, Greenbank Lawyers

The “Don’t Let the Dust Settle” campaign initiated by Mesothelioma UK aims to enhance awareness and urge the government to take this public health threat more seriously.

In line with recommendations from the Work and Pensions Committee last year, Mesothelioma UK is urging the government to establish a central register to identify the presence and condition of all asbestos in the country. Currently, there are 6 million tonnes of asbestos in the UK, including 1.5 million buildings like schools and hospitals.

Mesothelioma UK is also advocating for a specified timeframe for the safe removal of asbestos, with a focus on high-risk environments such as schools and hospitals.

Furthermore, Mesothelioma UK has created a government petition for a central register of asbestos and a phased removal of asbestos from all buildings. You can show your support by signing the petition.

Petition Asbestos, Greenbank Lawyers

What can be done to reduce mesothelioma cases in the UK? Mesothelioma UK urges the government to commit to a phased removal program and seeks assistance from concerned individuals.

You can contribute by:

  • Writing a letter to your local MP (visit the Mesothelioma UK website for guidelines on how to do so).
  • Signing the parliamentary petition.
  • Educating yourself about asbestos and safe management practices through the HSE website.
  • Sharing your personal story with Mesothelioma UK.
  • Donating to support the campaign.

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure in your workplace or the nature of your work, you have the right to seek compensation. Many law firm offer No Win No Fee agreements for clients diagnosed with mesothelioma, ensuring they retain 100% of their compensation. This exception to the usual No Win No Fee rules was implemented by the UK government in 2012, recognizing the severity of mesothelioma.

If you or a loved one have been affected by mesothelioma, it is important to seek legal advice from qualified professionals experienced in handling compensation claims related to industrial diseases.